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4 Ways to Help Avoid Getting the Flu

The flu has been making its rounds this year and even though spring has finally arrived, flu season is not over yet. If you're one of the lucky ones that have not had the flu this season, you are probably looking for ways to avoid getting sick. No one likes getting sick and many of us can't afford to get sick because we are busy with work, school, kids etc. Although there is no guarantee for complete immunity, our wellness center at the Lake of the Ozarks has put together a list of 4 ways to help avoid getting the flu, check it out below!

How is the Flu Spread? 

The flu is extremely contagious and can be spread from one person to another standing within just six feet of each other via sneezing, coughing, and even just breathing into the air. According to AAFP, the flu can also be spread by shaking hands, doorknobs, grocery cart handles, money, elevator buttons, remote controls, phones, and computers. As you can imagine, avoiding coming into contact with the flu is extremely difficult unless you simply stay at home 24/7. That's why you need to take every precaution you can to help reduce the likelihood of catching the flu. 

1) Wash Your Hands Often 

Washing your hands often throughout the day is vital to preventing the flu. If you're going to take the time to wash your hands, be sure that you use soap, hot water, and wash for at least 15 seconds.

2) Boost your Immune System

Your immune system plays a major role in protecting your body from infection - including the flu! When you go the extra mile to help boost your immune system your entire body benefits! A few ways to help boost your immune system include focusing on eating a healthy diet, exercise regularly, getting the recommended amount of sleep (7-9 hours), reduce stress levels, and getting an immunity boost via a wellness drip IV from New Spring Wellness Center!

Immunity Boost IV Drip 

New Spring Wellness Center offers express vitamin drips that take 30 minutes or less that are specially formulated to boost your immunity! Give your immune system a much-needed boost and help lessen your chances of getting sick and fight off illness with the Immunizer IV drip.

3) Don't Touch your Mouth, Eyes, and Nose 

This is much easier said than done but being intentional about not touching your face can help reduce the risk of catching the flu. This is because you cannot get sick from simply touching a contaminated surface because the flu is contracted through the mucosal membrane in your mouth and nose, not through the skin. Therefore touching a contaminated space and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth is the vehicle to getting the virus into your body.

4) Increase Your Intake of Vitamin C 

Increasing your intake of Vitamin C can help boost your immune system, reduce stress, and improve your energy which is all great ways to aid in preventing the flu. Read our recent blog Health Benefits of Vitamin C IV Therapy to learn more! 

To maximize the benefit of intaking a high dose of Vitamin C without any negative side effects you can come into New Spring Wellness Center and get our Hi C Vitamin IV Drip! Our Hi C Vitamin Drip contains 25 grams of Vitamin C. This equals the amount of Vitamin C from over 300 oranges! 

Stay Healthy and Come Into New Spring Wellness Center!

New Spring Wellness Center wants to help you lead a happy and healthy lifestyle! We hope that you find these tips helpful for aiding in preventing the flu this season. To make an appointment with us to get your Immunity Boost Vitamin IV Drip in Missouri or our Hi C Vitamin drip, give us a call at 573-693-1977. 

New Spring Wellness Center Is an Innovative Way to Get Your Life Back on Track!

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  1. Thanks for sharing this informative article. it is not very eassy for a busy schelule person to complete enough daily diet without suplements. revitalife drip make easily to complete our vitamins intake. for more information you can check my blog.

  2. Great tips on flu prevention! Staying hydrated and maintaining a strong immune system are crucial. Many find that treatments like an IV drip can help replenish essential vitamins, especially during flu season. Prioritizing wellness is key, and top clinics, like the best aesthetic clinic in Dubai, emphasize holistic health alongside aesthetic care.


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