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4 Benefits of NAD+ Therapy

NAD works rapidly to repair cells throughout the body and within the neurons in the brain. When NAD levels are increased, cells produce more energy, DNA is repaired and many other functions throughout the body and brain are optimized. NAD occurs naturally in the body and after years of aging, stress, intaking substances, PTSD, depression, and more your brain starts to deplete your naturally occurring supply of NAD. NAD gives your body energy and when you resupply your body with NAD with our NAD+ IV therapy, you will start feeling better and increase your health naturally. Now that you know a little more about what NAD is, you may be wondering how it can benefit you. Today, New Spring Wellness Center would like to share with you 4 benefits of our NAD+ Therapy.

#1 Improve Brain Function 

NAD IV treatments can increase your mental clarity and focus as well as fight against neurodegenerative diseases. Specific neurological benefits from NAD+ Therapy include: 
  • Increase in mental clarity 
  • Increase in brain regeneration 
  • Less mental fog 
  • Boosted mood 
  • Increased memory retention 

#2 Increase Your Metabolism 

Your metabolism naturally slows during the aging process. As your metabolism slows down, your energy levels lower. NAD+ therapy works to increase your increase your energy and plays a roll in your metabolism function. Specific metabolism benefits from NAD+ Therapy include:  
  • Increased energy 
  • Restoration of muscle functions from athletic performance 
  • Decrease in fatigue 
  • Regulates and increases your metabolism

#3 Safe Detox from Drug & Alcohol Abuse 

NAD+ Therapy is a natural alternative for recovering from alcohol and drug use. NAD+ IV therapy works to detox your body and replaces essential vitamins and nutrients depleted from excessive drug and alcohol use. The key benefit of using NAD+ Therapy for addiction is that it is a natural solution that does not require chemicals that might give you unwanted side effects. Specific addiction recovery benefits include: 
  • Improved mood 
  • Energy restoration 
  • Cell restoration 
  • Improved brain function 
  • Significantly fewer withdrawal systems
  • Reduced cravings 

#4  Regain Mental Agility with More Clarity & Less Fog

NAD contributes immensely to the aging process. Over time, your DNA becomes damaged through years of wear and tear which results in the negative side effects of aging. When you replenish your supply of NAD, it works to correct damage and protect the integrity of DNA. Increasing your body's supply of NAD can help improve your health, physical appearance, and increase your quality of life. Specific anti-aging benefits from NAD+ IV Therapy include: 
  • Improved physical appearance 
  • Boost in energy levels 
  • Reverse aging
  • Mental clarity 
  • Increased memory 
  • Correct damage to DNA 
  • Prevent damage to DNA
  • Reduce fatigue 

Set Up Your FREE Consultation at New Spring Wellness Center 

NAD plays a huge factor in our ability to stay healthy. No matter if you are trying to recover from addiction, you're experiencing negative side effects from aging, or you are looking to improve your overall health and wellness, New Spring Wellness Center wants to help you lead a happy and healthy lifestyle. If you are curious about our NAD+ Therapy at the Lake of the Ozarks, give us a call and set up your FREE consultation with us! We'd love to sit down with you and create a plan to achieve ultimate wellness! Call us at 573-693-1977 to set up your free consultation.

New Spring Wellness Center Is an Innovative Way to Get Your Life Back on Track!

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  1. This blog is really helpful regarding all educational knowledge I earned. It covered a great area of subject which can assist a lot of needy people. Everything mentioned here is clear and very useful. Nad therapy


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